scleral contact lenses on finger

Scleral Lenses in North York

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A Remedy for Difficult Eye Conditions 

Scleral contact lenses offer a wide array of designs and materials, prescription ranges, and customization options. With scleral lens technologies, our doctors can provide you with a comfortable and easy way to enjoy vision.

Explore what scleral lenses can do for you.

What Are Scleral Lenses?

Scleral lenses are made from rigid gas-permeable material with an extra-large diameter that completely covers your cornea to help you achieve clear and concise vision. 

These lenses are effective for resolving vision-related issues due to:

  • Irregular corneas causes by Keratoconus, keratoglobus, Pellucid Marginal Degeneration,
  • Refractive surgery complications such as RK, PRK, LASIK, LASEK

Are You a Good Candidate?

Although anyone who wants to improve their vision can benefit from scleral lenses, they are particularly helpful for people with:

  • Keratoconus
  • Pellucid Marginal Degeneration
  • Terrien’s Marginal Degeneration, Salzmann’s Nodular Degeneration, Map-Dot (Cogan’s) Dystrophy Reis- Buckler dystrophy Dystrophy
  • Post Refractive Surgery Ectasias such as RK, PRK, LASIK, LASEK
  • Chemical Injury, Burn Injury
  • Steven’s Johnson Syndrome, Sjogren’s Syndrome, Cicatricial Pemphigoid, Neurotrophic Ulcers, Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis, Graft vs Host Disease, Persistent Epithelial Defects
  • Corneal Exposure caused by Ectropion, Exophthalmus, 7th Nerve Palsy, Post Lid Surgery, Eyelid Coloboma
  • Severe Dry Eyes, Trichiasis, Entropion

Book Your Contact Lens Exam & Fitting Today 

The first step to receiving the right type of contact lens is to book a contact lens exam and fitting. 

A proper fitting helps your eye doctor determine your contact prescription by measuring your eyes to find the correct size, style, and shape of contact lens needed. During this exam, your doctor can determine if you could benefit from a specialty contact lens such as scleral lenses.

Our Location

Empress Eye Clinic
5095 Yonge Street, Unit B6
North York, Ontario
M2N 6Z4

Located at Empress Walk Mall at the corner of Yonge and Empress Avenue. Near Yonge and Sheppard and Yonge and Finch. We serve patients from North York, Willowdale, Thornhill, Richmond Hill, Bayview Village, Markham, Yonge- Eglinton, Lawrence Park, York Mills, and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA)
Our office is directly accessible by the Yonge-University Subway from North York Subway Station. It is also easily accessible by vehicle from Hwy 401


Contact Information

Hours of Operation

Monday 09:00 AM – 08:00 PM
Tuesday 11:00 AM – 07:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM – 07:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM – 06:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM – 07:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM – 05:00 PM
Sunday closed
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